11 Brought to you by & 1. Garlic This onion relative offers antioxidant flavonoids and sulfur-containing compounds which combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Eating garlic helps the immune system make more white blood cells and natural killer cells, says Bob Sears, MD, coauthor of the Sears Parenting Library books. Get more: When you chop garlic, the cell walls break, activating beneficial enzymes. Before heating, allow chopped garlic to rest for five minutes. Mince and add to salad dressings; purée with garbanzos, tahini, lemon juice and olive oil for hummus. Or try making sautéed garlicky greens with lemon. 11 Brought to you by & 3. Turmeric
Thanks to its active ingredient curcumin, turmeric helps support healthy inflammation response and is a potent antioxidant, making it a great aging and immunity supportive ingredient.. Available as a tea, supplement or juice add-in, this yellow root delivers a peppery and tart punch to dishes from curries to rice pilaf. Get more: You can use turmeric in its powder form, but you’d need to take large amounts (1 teaspoon or more three times a day) to reap medicinal benefits. Opt for capsules and liquid extracts to get an efficacious dose. 7FOODS TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY 2. Green Tea Join the majority of the world’s people who sip tea all day, not just at teatime.
All teas offer health benefits, but green tea has more polyphenols—antioxidants also found in vegetables, coffee and red wine. In a newly published survey, Japanese students who drank 1–5 cups daily were considerably less likely to get the flu than those who didn’t drink tea.
 Get more: Fill a thermos with green tea and sip at your desk; mix with bubbly water and a bit of stevia for “soda.”