10 l o v e y o u r l i v e r glutathione also plays a critical role in Phase II detoxifica- tion, the second part of the body’s two-step detoxification process. Under optimal circumstances, the body produces all of the glutathione it needs. But a poor diet, chronic illness, chronic exposure to environmental toxins, and the use of some medications can deplete glutathione stores. S-allyl cysteine is required for glutathione production, and Aged Garlic Extract is an excellent source of S-allyl cysteine. Several studies suggest that enhancing glutathione levels also can be accomplished by supplementing with a bioavailable form of the nutrient known as reduced glutathione. Milk Thistle Extract is perhaps the best-known herb for liver support. Milk thistle’s most active compound is silymarin, a polyphenol with powerful antioxidant activity that scavenges damaging free radicals. What’s more, milk thistle boosts the activity of the body’s own antioxidants such as glutathione. Stud- ies suggest that milk thistle also inhibits inflammation, stimulates new liver cell production, and prevents glutathione depletion. Milk thistle may also play a key role in maintaining the integrity of liver cell membranes, helping them resist penetra- tion by toxins. In one clinical trial published in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, gas refinery workers chronically exposed to hydrogen sulfide were given 150 mg of silymarin three times daily. After 30 days, researchers found significantly lower levels of the toxin and a marked improve- ment in liver function. Several other studies conducted by the Center for Cancer Causation and Prevention at the AMC Cancer Research Center in Denver have found that milk thistle helps protect against heavy metals and other environmental toxins. Additional research has highlighted milk thistle’s abil- ity to counteract acetaminophen, alcohol, and toxic mushroom poisoning. According to another recent study, milk thistle may also protect the liver from toxic chemotherapeutic compounds. Picrorhiza Kurroa Root Extract has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine for treating liver disorders. Native to the Himalayas, modern sci- ence has verified picrorhiza kurroa’s ability to scavenge free radicals and support a healthy inflammatory response. Its antioxidant powers have been shown to be similar to that of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and were found to restore depleted glutathione levels in subjects infected with malaria. The active constituents in the herb are effective at preventing liver toxicity and exhibit strong anticholestatic activity against a variety of toxins. Like silymarin, picrorhiza has also demonstrated the ability to stimulate liver regeneration. In one experimental study, scientists found that administering supplemental picrorhiza to subjects eating a high-fat diet effectively reversed fat accu- mulation in the liver. This led the researchers to conclude that picrorhiza may be a promising natural treatment for those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Curry Better Liver Health Curcumin—the compound in turmeric responsible for the curry spice’s deep golden hue—is a potent antioxidant proven to be extremely effective for treating numerous liver disorders.Curcumin increases bile by over 100 percent,helping to protect the liver from damage from chemicals and other toxins.The problem is,most curcumin supplements are poorly absorbed by the body.To ensure you’re getting a bioavailable form,look for a supplement that combines curcumin and phosphatidylcholine. Listed on the Supplement Facts panel under the brand name Meriva,studies show that this form of curcumin is 29-times more bioavailable than standard curcumin supplements.